Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On Writing My First (Hopefully) Published Book

Ok so I am starting a new project and I want to be honest and dedicated to writing about my experience with writing a book, from my first beginning ideas, the process of writing, the good the bad and getting it published.

I have no idea where the urge to write about this started but here I go.

Day One

I start this today and see how long it takes me to write my book. Today there is still snow on the ground which is strange for Seattle as we never get snow. It has nearly shut down the city, but it is not as bad as two years ago. Anyways since I have already written 25 pages so far I must start at the beginning at how I came up with my idea.

So I was home on Christmas break from WSU and I was completely bored out of my mind. I decided to try and write something, anything to entertain myself. I sat there thinking as hard as I could but my mind was blank. Then suddenly I got this ingenious idea for a story, but not just any story a series. I wrote down the first short paragraph of my story and then started writing my ideas or rather a breif outline for the other stories. I was excited! I had finally came up with something that I was absolutely excited to write about. It was new and different and I really believed that this was the story that could get my foot in the door of the publishing world.

Then it got put on the shelf for about a year. I would think about it from time to time, but I never really had time to work on it. However one day I was looking on the internet and I stumbled upon Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month). I started to think that maybe I could dig out this story and write 50,000 words for the month of November. I was very ambitious. It started out well, I was meeting my goals for about two weeks, and then school picked up the pace. I had to once again put my story on hold and focus on getting my school work done.

Once I graduated I once again dug the story up, read it and then began to edit it. It was thrilling. As I was in the process of editing it I realized the main thing that was wrong with it. I had been writing in two different voices!! How could I have done this without knowing it?! I had the main character's voice and the Narrator's but they were supposed to be the same person....So then I went back to square one. I had to plan out the outlines and time lines of what was going on. This has been my first step as of late. It is also difficult to work on a story when everyone is commanding my attention. Not like that is a bad thing, but sometimes I have this
over-whelming urge to sit down with my story and just work on it, plan it out, write it, just spend Q.T. time with it. I think the rest of today I will try and work on it some more.

I will try and write every single day.....we shall see how that goes, as I am notoriously bad at keeping journals. I think what may help me is to focus on the outlines and big picture stuff, but then write my book a chapter at a time. Peace out!

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